At what age should I bring my dog to try daycare?

As soon as your puppy has taken all the required vaccinations, you can bring them to our daycare. We have puppies as young as 4 months old. Puppies have lots of energy and especially benefit from socializing in a pack setting

Does my dog need to be spayed or neutered to come to LDC?

Dogs 9 months and older must be spayed or neutered. In fact we recommend that you spay or neuter your dogs at 6 months, unless otherwise advised by your vet.

What is the benefit of daycare versus my dog only getting walks?

Walks are great for bathroom breaks and brief stints of exercise. For some dogs, that is enough. For many dogs, however, daycare provides important benefits. They get mental stimulation from not being alone all day. They enjoy social interaction from playing freely off-leash with other dogs in a pack setting as they would in nature. And they get as many hours of physical activity as they need, often mixed with naps and rest time, leaving them ready for a calm evening at home with you. All of this is provided in a safe and clean environment that is comfortable and bright all year round, with the supervision of highly-trained staff who referee play and monitor every dog’s well-being. Remember it’s not necessarily either/or — a combination of walking and daycare may be the best weekly routine for your dog.